Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Equality and respect for all is one of our founding values and core beliefs at SJC. We are a diverse group with associates of all ages, backgrounds, cultures and experiences. We celebrate this diversity and we draw strength from it. Inclusivity at SJC means fostering a culture that welcomes and respects each individual as equal–both inside our walls and within the larger community.


Our inclusive policies and programs are centered on our core value to provide equal opportunity and respect for all. With our Community & Belonging initiatives, we provide our teams with resources, insights and stories (drawn from our own media brands) to actively engage with DEI topics and culturally significant occasions such as National Day for Truth & Reconciliation and International Women’s Day. We also organize events that bring our teams together to appreciate and celebrate our inherent multiculturalism and shared humanity. Through initiatives such as employer partnerships, we are consistently working toward cultivating a more diverse talent pool, ultimately contributing to a more creative and successful SJC.

SJC crowd seated together for a team conference.
Different SJC brand magazines including Toronto Life and HELLO! Canada laid out on a white background


We are committed to help build a more inclusive and equitable society. We provide pro bono advertising space and make charitable donations to support underrepresented groups, offer magazine fellowships and internships, and facilitate meaningful staff Volunteer Day opportunities. We also present an annual Family Wellness Grant to a non-profit serving underprivileged communities and disadvantaged groups. Our initial three grants were awarded to the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada, the George Hull Centre for Children & Families Wellness, and the SMILE (single mothers inspiring leadership in education) Foundation. As a communications company, we recognize the important role we can play in amplifying the messages and missions of vital diversity initiatives that are the cornerstones of strong communities.


Our media brands capture the stories, perspectives and issues that reflect the diversity of our audiences across Canada, and the world.